A Non-Chronological Report About Plants


Plants are living-things. They are important for animals and humans because without them, we wouldn't have oxygen to breathe and food to eat.

How Do Plants Release Oxygen?

Plants change 6 carbon dioxide molecules into 6 oxygen molecules through photosynthesis. The balanced chemical equation for photosynthesis is:

6 H2O + 6 CO2 + Sunlight = C6H12O6 + 6 O2

The glucose molecule (C6H12O6) is used for energy. Chlorophyll is used to absorb sunlight energy so plants can go through photosynthesis.

How Are Seeds Made?

You probably know that plants need seeds to reproduce. But how do they make the seeds? First, there is a part of the plant that makes pollen and stores it. This is called the anther. The filament is the part that connects the anther to the rest of the plant. It is flexible so when a bee comes, the pollen sticks onto the bee. The pollen will later fall onto another or the same flowers stigma. The pollen then travels down the style and ferments the ovules in the ovary to make a seed.

How Are Seeds Spread?

Seeds are spread by either water, animals, wind or by exploding pods. The coconut is spread by water, the apple is spread by animals, the maple seeds are spread by wind and last but not least, peas are spread by exploding pods. The water currents carry the coconut around to reach another place to grow, some fruits that use animals to transport their seeds have hooks, which hook on to the animal. Some are edible so that animals eat it and since its indigestible, they poop it out and the seed starts growing. dandelions are very light so get blown by the wind. Maple seeds have helicopter-like wings so they can be spread by wind, and the pods of the peas explode and the peas get launched away to grow.

Facts About Plants

1. An average size tree can provide enough wood to make 170,100 pencils!
2. 85% of plant life is found in the ocean!
3. Bananas contain a natural chemical which can make people feel happy!
4. The Amazon rain forest produces half the world’s oxygen supply!
5. Peaches, Pears, apricots, quinces, strawberries, and apples are members of the rose family!
6. Apple,potatoes and onions have the same taste, to test this eat them with your nose closed!
7. Around 2000 different types of plants are used by humans to make food!
8. A sunflower looks like one large flower, but each head is composed of hundreds of tiny flowers called florets, which ripen to become the seeds!
9. During the 1600s, tulips were so valuable in Holland that their bulbs were worth more than gold. The craze was called tulip mania and caused the crash of the Dutch economy!
10. Cabbage has 91% water content!
