A Non-Chronological Report About Cells


Animal Cell OrganellesCells are the basic building blocks of every living thing. It caries out daily processes to keep you alive.

Red Blood Cells

First, lets talk about red blood cells. Those red cells help keep you alive by transporting oxygen around the body to other cells. The red blood cells are the only cells without a nucleus because they don't need one and that it takes up the space that can be used for hemoglobin, a molecule used to transport oxygen. Red blood cells are disk shaped so that they can squeeze through narrow blood vessels easily.

Blood Types

There are 8 types of blood types. They are determined by the antigens on your red blood cells. There are 3 antigens. Two in the ABO blood group and one in the Rh blood group. The antigens in the ABO blood group are A and B together they can make 4 possible blood types. A with only A antigen, B with only B antigen, AB with both antigens and O with no antigens of the ABO blood group. The 1 antigen in the Rh blood group is.. can you guess it?  The Rh Antigen! If it is present you put a plus sign (+) if it is not, you put a minus sign (-). So together, the 8 basic human blood types are...
                                                   A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, O+ and O- 

Immune Cells

 Immune cells are cells that kill or help kill foreign invaders such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and more. They are also the reason you have allergic reactions. Macrophages can engulf up too 100 foreign invaders before tiring out and committing suicide. Whereas Neutrophils can only engulf a few and need signal from the macrophages before they do so. But Neutrophils fight more furiously and weakens the invader more. Dendritic cells help activate B and T cells. B cells produce antibodies which tag the bacteria and stop it from invading cells and T cells stop the other immune cells from dying and kill invaders. Natural killer cells kill the infected cells to stop the virus from multiplying.

How do cells produce energy?

 Cells produce energy by using Glucose and oxygen. They use energy to break up the molecules into other energy rich molecules producing more energy than they used. these energy rich molecules are called ATPs. They also produce instant energy during this process. The ATP can be used later when there is not enough oxygen to carry out the normal process.

Facts about Cells 
I found the facts here.

1. Cells are too small to be seen without magnification.
2. There are two primary types of cells.
3. Prokaryotic single-celled organisms were the earliest and most primitive forms of life on earth.
4. There are more bacterial cells in the body than human cells.
5. Cells contain genetic material.
6. Cells contain structures called organelles which carry out specific functions.
7. Different types of cells reproduce through different methods.
8. Groups of similar cells form tissues.
9. Cells have varying life spans.
10. Cells commit suicide.

P.S. My basic blood type is AB+  (Which By The Way is roughly 7% of the Asian population (I'm from Asia))
